Thursday, April 8, 2010

Coming to grips with the objects we grasp: detecting interactions with efficient wrist-worn sensors

Eugen Berlin
Jun Liu
Kristof van Laerhoven
Bernt Schiele

contributions of this paper are threefold: First, we mention the technical procedure in optimizing a wrist-worn RFID antenna. Second, a benchmark is presented that allows evaluation of different antenna configurations. Third, an approximation algorithm is demonstrated which makes recognition of short gestures possible.
- Experiments were conducted for finding the best performance of RFID reader for oval and circular antenna. Oval antenna performed better.
- A sliding window technique is implemented to find the most probable window in which the gesture was performed.
- a series of studies were performed to evaluate the instrument. First, reading an object from a cluster of objects kept inside a box. A study with user performing different gardening tasks using 16 objects and 36 tags was performed. A long study was performed with one user performing daily activities with 29 objects and 43 tags. The user was observed for 3 consecutive days.

Sliding window is an interesting method to extract the most probable gesture from the continuous stream. Evaluation study was quite extensive.


  1. A very comprehensive evaluation to optimize their implementation.

  2. It was an interesting paper. I wonder what other fields could benefit from this type of device.
